i think somewhere, one day long ago, i heard something about how new mothers blame their lack of weight loss/losing pregnancy weight after having their baby on just not having the time to exercise in the day. i also heard that there were people flaming those same new mothers for their reasoning behind their lack of weight loss. saying that, 'yes, you do have time to exercise. you're just too lazy to do it and are using your baby as an excuse.' well, holy shit! you don't say?!
pshaw. whatever.
back then i didn't think too hard about all that hoopla. i figured i'd have to work pretty hard at trying not to become a balloon, first. losing whatever weight i gained was going to be secondary, as far as i was concerned. good luck to us all. fight for yourselves. also too, working out was just not part of my daily life.
fast forward quite a few years; i am now living the reality of having to lose the weight i gained during pregnancy. fun! and you know what... it's true. we(i) do blame the lack of weight loss on not having time. but you know what else? some of us, if not most of us, really don't have the damn time! you know why? because we just had a f*cking baby and are more than likely learning to adjust to an entirely different lifestyle than we were living prior to our cute little bundles of joy. for crying out loud!
if i added up all my idle/spare time in a day, i'm sure it would amount to enough time to get in a decent work out. so if you look at it that way, then sure, i have the time. so, i guess i can sign my already jam-packed, new baby-having, full-time working day up for some ab and butt clenches, arm and side stretches, quick squats and lunges, kegels while sitting at red lights and a few mini walks around the office building when i can.
get it in when you can - go. go. go?
no. no. no! seriously?! i'll smack a bitch.
honestly, i really would rather get in my work outs as a solid 30-60 minutes. working out is not a 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, all day long kind of activity. that leaves no room for physical or mental rest. people - we need rest! otherwise our flames are going to flicker the f*ck out.
but i guess, sure, i have plenty of time in the day to work out if i:
- ignore daily chores**
washing myself
washing dishes that do not fit in the dish washer
loading and unloading the dishwasher
cooking dinner
cleaning up after dinner
sweeping the kitchen floor
picking up after the dogs {this really is a legit chore at my house}
picking up after the baby {i know she is not old enough to make her own mess. but there is quite a bit of clutter from endlessly trying to entertain her, feed her, clothe her and diaper her, you know?}
boiling water for bottles and then making bottles
bathing and feeding the baby
doing laundry
packing the diaper bag for daycare
packing my bag(s) for work
etc. - choose not to get adequate sleep
- decide not to work a full-time job
- do more butt and ab clenches, squats and lunges, arm and side stretches, kegels at red lights and mini walks around my office building when i have a few minutes to spare
- exercise with baby {i already do this. and it still requires that you find the time which is the problem in the first place - duh!}
** mike (my husband) shares these chores with me. i certainly do not do all this by myself on the daily. the man deserves props for all that he does - for realz.
now, all bitching aside. i am managing to find time. it takes some coordinating with the hubby and friends. but after work some days, i manage to go for a nice long walk around the neighborhood with my friend(s) and our babes. or some nights i might go for a run after dinner, and after the bean bathed and fed, while mike holds down the fort. and at least once a weekend i run with my pal liz - with or without the babes and our strollers.
but its hard. and after 6 months postpartum, i am just starting to figure out how i can manage the task of exercising after having a baby.
and now i will leave you with a peaceful image of what we all want to be; perfect.