Tuesday, September 11, 2012

another top 10 things...

that blow... my mind!
in no particular order:
  1. one day i will be raising a teenager. i just can't picture it at all!
  2. it's been 11 years since the 9-11 attacks.
  3. outer space, and it's infinite span. well actually, this do-daddy website { http://scaleofuniverse.com/ } sort of encases my blown mind about outer space. really, i should just make #3 about how the existence of anything blows my mind.
  4. the way some people drive. its baffling.
  5. our office manager at my job, j.b., definitely blows my mind. from her "my shit don't stink" attitude all the way to her fake sincerity towards others.
  6. we haven't been able to prove or disprove whether the loch ness monster, bigfoot or aliens exist or not.
  7. how technologically advanced we are/have become since caveman days.
  8. dinosaurs; how did they come to be and what really happened that ended their days on this planet. that could be us one day.
  9. how much it really costs to make, produce, or manufacture things versus how much companies actually charge for them.
  10. how greedy people can be.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

bottom 10?

sure. why not? let me throw out my bottom 10 things on my mind even though they maybe should be higher in priority than some of my top 10 (don't judge me for some of the things i'm about to put on this list):
  1. the upcoming election (i know who i'm voting for - that is why i'm not thinking about this one much)
  2. freelance work that's been partially paid out that i have not started
  3. actually looking for a new job
  4. how my dad is doing
  5. praying more
  6. getting somethings looked at with my vw
  7. re-doing my portfolio site
  8. getting an account together for lill's future
  9. how we are actually going to financially sustain a family with more than one kid
  10. actually saving money - for real


and now, for something kind of funny.


today's top 10

top 10 things on my mind right now:
  1. how insanely bored i am at the moment
  2. new job - where to start? do i even want to be doing this anymore?
  3. the assembly of tomorrow's veggie lasagne
  4. talking to boss-man about my florida trip
  5. why j.b. is looking at our employee log-in book
  6. what is going on for lunch
  7. how i feel sort of nauseous
  8. my baby's pooping habits
  9. bills to be paid and when
  10. losing weight, asap

i don't know if my office is under water, but it sure feels like its a sinking ship. and with that, i leave you with this. it made me giggle:
