now. i'm not scared of 40. i wasn't scared of 30, either... believe it or not, i was actually excited to hit 30. i guess i like to try to embrace things like that, rather than fear them. but if getting to 40 is anything like getting to 30, then i don't have much time. shoot - it's practically right around the corner!
it's ridiculous how time really does fly. i used to think my mom was out-of-her-mind crazy when she said crap like that. as a child/teenager, time was the slowest thing ever! but then i got out of high school and went to college. that's when things started to go a little faster. then i graduated college and time started to really pass by. fast. the next thing i knew... i was 30. in the blink of an eye i was 30... i am my own adult now and 40 is knocking on my door trying to sell me life insurance.
with that, i started to think about me as a kid. growing up and just being me, as a kid. good times and bad times. funny things i did and outrageous things i believed... let me share a few of memories with you.
- i used to believe that i could levitate. i am not joking. i believed that i could actually rise and hover my own body up and off the ground. the trick was, i needed to be sitting indian style and had to concentrate very hard.
- i used to beg to eat the leftover spaghetti o's of the other preschooler's who didn't finish theirs before nap time.
- a preschool teacher of mine was concerned that i had colored a picture of a sheep purple. what other options are there when the paper is already the right color and the lady asks you to color it in with something? like hell i was going to grab a white crayon! how boring...
- you know how kids pretend to be their parents; playing dress up and wearing their clothes and shoes and whatnot? of course you do. my brother and i did this on occasion. so, as uncool as it was... we used to "pretend" smoke cigarettes like our parents. we made our pretend cigarettes out of leaves from trees. one day i must have been mad at my brother for something, because i tricked him in to rolling up poison ivy leaves to use as his cigarette... how evil! needless to say, my mom wasn't happy with me. she immediately began to wash my brother off, in hopes that the poison hadn't soaked in too badly. but what she didn't know was that i too had been handling the poison ivy... i think i was picking the leaves to hand to my brother to roll up and get all over his face. i wasn't a smart kid i guess. i never got washed off that day. i hate calamine lotion.
- i had a serious crush on speed racer. i wanted to marry him.
- i pooped in a truck tire once - on purpose. there is a lot of explanation to this one... if you want to know more, you're going to have to ask me about it one day.
- my brother left me hanging in a tree once. the only way down was for me to let go. it hurt.
- when i was in elementary school, i didn't care that my report card was full of s's and n's.
s for satisfactory
n for needs improvement - most fridays were pizza and movie night. remember west coast video?
- as a family, we used to have tetris battles. when it wasn't my turn, i would dance around the room to the music that would play for the different levels.
- i cried out of sheer happiness when my parents got me my first phone and phone number. i'm not talking about a cell phone either. i'm talking about your average land-line. it was awesome!