now you know - it's official!
mike and i found out the big news the friday before father's day this year. we had been haphazardly attempting to conceive a little human for about 8 months... basically right after the wedding. my due date is february 21, 2012. for this particular year coming up, that means i have the possibility of popping out a leap year baby. and as neat as that may be, i don't really like the idea of it. i really don't want to have to explain, in my child's later years, what the deal is with leap year and all. i honestly don't even know anything about leap year except that it happens every 4 years. don't judge me.
so yeah, pregnancy. i'm pretty sure that when this is all said and done, i'm not going to be one of those ladies that says, "i loved being pregnant." already, i'm getting the feeling that this is not my cup of tea. i just want to get to the part where i have a baby in my hands, you know? i didn't get pregnant to be pregnant. i got pregnant because i want to start a family. i can say this; i find pregnancy very interesting. all the changes me and my body are going through are very fascinating. but there is no reason yet, that i have found, to love being pregnant. and in that same breath, i don't think that i am going to hate it either. it is what it is - pregnancy.
now, i must say that i have had it fairly easy up to this point. and if i were to weigh the pros and cons of being pregnant so far, i would say they are at a stalemate. let's throw 'em on the table now.
pros regarding my pregnancy up to this point
- (knock on wood) i bypassed the dreaded morning sickness battles somehow... every now and then i would find myself semi-queasy, but it would pass within 30 minutes or so and i would be fine. i would also get an occasional and nasty headache here and there...
- i haven't had any food aversions and have been able to eat pretty much the same things i always eat.
(there has been one small exception; one day mike cooked a pork tenderloin with this garlic/herb seasoning. i hated it. though normally, i would likely enjoy it) - i hear some women become ridiculously exhausted in the beginning. not me. i really was only tired at night. which is when most people find themselves getting tired anyway. and although i was beat-ass by 8:30 p.m., which is a little earlier than normal, i didn't find it to be too bad.
- the prenatal vitamins have made my nails grow nice and strong.
- some people seem to want to do more things for me. like carrying things or lugging things around that might be the slightest bit heavy.
- i have somehow managed to keep my eating and appetite in check. for the most part anyway. don't get me wrong -i do get retardedly hungry and give in to junk food cravings - i just seem to be managing better than i thought i would.
- i don't sleep well as it is, and now i wake up to pee a lot.
- my skin is breaking out more.
- i'm going to have to accept gaining weight soon.
- i cannot booze it up like i want to. maybe a glass of wine every now and then far and few between**
- i cannot take over the counter drugs like advil and motrin. i am limited to tylenol.**
- i cannot drink a whole pot of coffee during the day anymore.**
- i cannot eat sushi and lunch meats.**
- i cannot work out as hard as i really want to.**
i think that is about it up to this point in my pregnancy. i have like 5 more months or so left to experience new things and add to either of these lists. but i am almost certain that i am not going to walk away saying, "i loved being pregnant." i think it's going to be just what it is, pregnancy. then i will have a little precious human to raise.
Don't wish away the moment. Your baby will be here soon enough and present it's own unique set of challenges. Good luck and God Bless!
ReplyDeletei'm definitely not wishing away any of these moments and i am certainly not in any sort of rush to get it over with.
ReplyDeleteso, perhaps somewhere in this post i should have expressed my supreme excitement regarding this blessing.
that is what this is; a blessing.