that product pictured above has to be one of the single worst product ideas ever, in my opinion. bleh!
i pretty much hate cool whip. and i pretty much hate whipped icings. so basically, when you make one (whipped icing) out of the other (cool whip), you get a lot of hating from me.
this is me radiating my hateful disgust {{{{ >:-| }}}}}
i also loathe mousse of any kind; chocolate, strawberry, mocha chocha whatever you flavor it from (insert vomit sound).
it comes down to the irrational side of me that just doesn't like the whipitty dipitty, ultra smooth, glide-over-your-tongue-into-your-esophagus texture of these things. **side note: for the life of me, i couldn't figure out how to spell esophagus. i had to type some retarded misspelling of it into google so that google could ask me if i meant esophagus**
though, i like ready whip. a lot actually. but it's a totally different kind of whipped product. it has more air in it. you know? sort of gives it a not-so-smooth whipped-ness that is much more acceptable in my books.
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