today. april 18th. what a surreal day for us all. in times like this, i express myself through poems. so yeah. this is for you pat. mom. granny. you will be missed.
By Jessica F. Krumenacker
A light shines on,
For the oceans deep
And in the heart’s
Our sorrows weep
Dark and forever desolate
The water’s mighty swell
Drifting slowly off and away
Sadness we try and quell
In spirit you are bright
Though your being, she is gone
For minds that cannot settle
Please, do shine on
Bring light to the dark
Make shallow what is deep
Light the path we cannot see
For this night we cannot sleep
Be there comfort in the quiet
While tired eyes drift away
Offer up a hopeful promise
That tomorrow brings a new day
Shine on us tonight
Get us through tomorrow
Give ease to the heart
That carries so much sorrow
You will lead us in the dark
Your beams our saving grace
Be the lighthouse needed
Ensure we sail on safe
............copyright JFK............