Wednesday, June 27, 2012

scutigera coleoptrata, anybody?

did you just pee your pants a little? i did, when i looked at that picture.... in fact, my skin started to crawl, too. then i felt nauseous... yikes!

the common house centipede
that's what you are looking at. and if you want, you can read about these creepy little buggers here, on wikipedia. we've all seen one of these guys. most likely scurrying along the floors of our own home at one time or another. they freak me out more than spiders do. ugh...

so, do you want to hear a story about one of my many encounters with your average house centipede? yeah ya do! here goes...

a long long time ago - about 5 o'clock in the morning this morning - i woke up to a tickle on my chest. i sort of shrugged in off, until that tickle moved its way across my collar bone. mortified; i froze.

"holy crap! what. is. that?!"

i had no clue what is was. all i knew is that it was alive and on me. my best guess could only be that it was a spider. eek!! i didn't want to freak out. because if i did that, then whatever it was would more than likely a.) bite me and/or b.) end up in my bed/sheets and still end up biting me. so i just laid still... and while my heart was pounding and sweat was beading on my brow, i laid there trying to think of the best way to get this thing off of me... you know... without freaking out...

tickle tickle tickle. it moved its way to where the neck of my shirt was. it seemed as though it was stuck there. maybe trying to get under my shirt. i don't know. but i could still feel it tickling me. just not really going anywhere at this point. i decided to make my move. slowly, i peeled off my blankets and decided that, as i jump out of bed i would simultaneously strip off my clothes and shake the ever-living-daylights out of myself and hair. and i did just that. boy, would that have been a sight to see.

i flipped on the lights and saw what you all saw when you clicked to read this post... a common house centipede!

mother f'er - crawling on me while i sleep!!!!!!! gah!!!!!!!!!!!!

you better believe i squashed that bastard with something i had nearby. how dare he crawl on me while i sleep. i was so totally creeped out that i could barely fall back to sleep. i mean... i did eventually get back to sleep. but it took a little while... and i know i'm going to have trouble tonight when i lay down in bed for the night. my skin is crawling just thinking about it.


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