all because, somehow i managed to have a bit of work to do yesterday - even today i had some work to do. imagine that - working, at work. it's amazing - i know. i also managed to stretch it out over a lengthy period of time. not for any real reason other than wanting to appear busy. although, part of the truth is that i was also compiling an email for this weekend's plans... i did a little bit of work and then a lot of thinking and typing. a little bit more work and i guess i also did some online chatting too :-/ doh! but don't worry. even though it took me the better part of the day to actually complete my assigned task, i only billed for what it really should have taken me to finish. i try to be morally right even when i'm doing something sort of wrong.
so, this weekend's plans - big fun in store! a few of my favorite friends, some dogs and myself are going camping. like, for real - no toilets. no wash rooms. no nothing - camping. we are headed up to Tuscaora State Forest with our dogs, ourselves, good eats, sweet treats, entertaining games and fun.... oh, and booze. it will be interesting to say the least.
when is the last time you were somewhere with no toilets! ahhhhh stinky butts!
anyway... since i've finished my task here at work i'm kind of bored again, and that sucks. fortunately i am not the only one. lori is bored too, and for a couple of minutes, has been occupying herself by trying to hold a pencil/pen between her upper lip and her nose. see example photo below.
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here are some photos of what what happens when lori tries to do this pencil/pen trick. be ready to be entertained.

this is how she starts out = good.

then this happens.

we lost the pen.

yep. it's definitely gone.

oh wait. yes. i think she had this one... sort of.

oh dear. we've lost hope... look at this mess.

ew. remind me not to borrow any of her pens.
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