what do you think the average temperature is inside a refrigerator? whatever it is, is kind of chilly. actually, whirlpool says it should be somewhere around 37º (give or take 15º). like i said. whatever.
my office feels like a refrigerator. this morning, among many others, it was 66º here at work. i don't find that acceptable. do you? well, to be fair, there are a couple of devices here that read temperatures. they all vary within a few degrees of the next. so, one might say 66º, another might say 68º and the last one might say 70º. but still. taking the best/warmest of those three (70º) is still fairly cool, is it not? i don't know too many people that keep their homes at 70º during the warm seasons - its expensive to do that!
most of my fellow coworkers and myself have to dress in layers even though it is 85-90º outside. we show up dressed like it is winter time - minus a winter coat. we do this to keep warm while we are working. one poor chilly-willy lady i work with actually wears gloves! yes! the kind with the fingers cut away, that way she can still type and what-not. then, at the end of the day, when we jump in to our cars to go home, we have to peel away our layers so we do not sweat our bums away and pass out from being to warm.
it's just not right. what are they trying to do? keep us from spoiling, because that is exactly how we feel... like we are in a huge refrigerator. the only possible benefit we experience in this situation might be that the natural aging process we endure over time might be slowed down, thus preserving our good looks. whatever.
now for a few pictures of how we all feel most mornings during the spring and summer months.

i don't quite have the expression right, do i? i look scared....

...closer... but i still look scared. might be the closest you're gonna get though.

last one seems to be the most accurate.
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