it all started back in august... one day i decided i was going to do some online research. just "looking" type of thing. the next thing i knew, i was ordering a crib and changing table and wondering what my next move was going to be - go figure. below is a picture i mike putting the crib together.

after that move, my brain wouldn't stop thinking about the rest of the furniture that was going to go in that room. i was online - a lot - looking for dressers and book shelves and decorations and themes. i started to stress out. i didn't have a theme. and even though i had a million and one ideas i could go with, none were clicking or sticking. i didn't like the things i saw online nor did i want to spend the money on the stuff i was seeing online. i was losing it. in the mean time, unbeknownst to me, mike was also thinking about things. like other things we should do to prepare the room itself, not just furniture and material decorations...
eventually things started to fall in to place. as mike and i agreed that we wanted all dark furniture and i remembered that ikea is fabulously affordable and i could get the dresser there, among other things. the key thing i needed to remember was that you don't have to buy all your furniture at one place. and it doesn't all have to be from the same product line. as long as it looks like it matches and/or goes together well enough, who cares?! well. i guess some would care. snarky snobs. but i think the stuff i got online and at ikea goes nice together even though they weren't intended to. so there!
oh. yeah. we also came up with a theme... each... but that's another post that will follow shortly.
let's look at some pictures of the progression of the preparation of the baby room. after purchasing and assembling the crib and changing table, and agreeing on a theme we went ahead and picked out some paint colors at lowe's and started really getting the room started.
**be sure to click on the images to see the larger view**our first step in painting: pull about and move everything away from and start edging out the walls. it's hard to tell in the pictures above, but the main wall color was some variation white; a more creamy and warm shade of white than normal. mike calls it a pale yellow... you can sort of see it in that last picture - sort of. and on to the next step...
taping. mike suggested, and i agreed, that a colored stripe about halfway up the wall running around the whole room would be nice. mike's first suggestion was for it to be a pale orange - it's what he envisioned in the theme he wanted. when we got to lowe's and started checking out actual colors, we ended up picking out a sort of buttery yellow that could be described as being more on the orangey side.

it's a nice color. and although we both agree that we could have gone a shade or two lighter, we like it.
it's a nice color. and although we both agree that we could have gone a shade or two lighter, we like it.
I really want to know your theme!! Mine is jungle animals (for a girl).