time to blog! but what to blog about? i sat here for a bit and contemplated what i could blog about... anything really. it wasn't supposed to matter. i was supposed to just blog my brains away without a care. here are some of the things that crossed my mind.
nah. i wanted to try to keep that as separate from my blogging as i do my facebook profile. which is why i created it's own special group page to bombard with crap about me being pregnant. the occasional post and blog entry is all i want to see on here...
how bored i am?
nah. that gets old and boring after a while.
penn state drama?
nah. i wouldn't even know where to begin with that. plus im a little late to the game - everyone and their mother has already blogged, tweeted and posted their feelings on it. why share mine?
not going there right now... it will all get figured out in the end. gotta love family.
life, love and the pursuit of happiness?
i already do that little bits at a time here and there. but now is not the time.
...anyway. as i continued contemplating today's topic, i realized my armpits are nice and dry. i have drysol to thank for that. wonderful, fantastic, awesome drysol. then i realized what i'm going to blog about; my favorite products! not all of them. don't worry. but i will go through a select few that i just cannot live without.
i never used to sweat much back in the day. but as i got older i started to sweat like a normal person. then in recent years i began to sweat at a disgusting and alarming rate. mostly my underarms... started to notice, that no matter how cold or hot i actually felt, my armpits were always sweating. i would get dressed in the mornings and 5 minutes later i would have already dampened my shirt to a point where it was noticeable to those around me. how embarrassing!!
i tried a lot of antiperspirants. women's. men's. all natural. baking soda based. clinical strength... all of it. finally i went to my doctor. well, no. i didn't go to my doctor specifically for my pit problem. i was already at the doctor for a checkup or something and i decided to take that opportunity to talk about my sweaty pits. something had to be done. she recommended drysol. it's the best! in the beginning, i was to apply it every two days at night before bed and thoroughly wash my pits the next day. let me tell you. this stuff burned like a mo-fo. but sure enough, i wasn't sweating. like, right off the bat! this sh*t works. i'm at a point now where i only have to apply it once every three weeks or so. or whenever i notice my pits are getting a little dampy-damp. it's glorious. no more sweat for me :-) and if you have any questions about drysol just ask me and i will share my thoughts, opinions, feelings and knowledge on it.
oh yeah. and i don't have to use any deodorant at all anymore - as long as i keep up with my drysol treatments and not let myself get damyp-damp. it's weird how armpits work... it's not the actual sweat that causes you to smell. although it plays a vital role in armpit odor. its actually a result of a combination of sweat and bacteria that is found in many of our armpits. read more here. so if you don't sweat and you wash your pits everyday, you shouldn't smell and therefore shouldn't need deodorant.
throughout much of my life i have battled with significant outbreaks of moderate to bad acne. it started when i was in 5th or 6th grade... and when i was in high school, i had tried acne prescriptions like retin a, a harsh topical, and tetracycline, an oral antibiotic. not to mention every over the counter acne cream/treatment, and nothing really got rid of it. they all just sort of tamed it a little. but that was about it. as i got older the breakouts seemed to be less severe and less frequent and somewhat more manageable. but they never quite stopped and i started to develop acne on places other than my face, like my chest and back. fun times... sure is hard to feel pretty with acne everywhere...
anyway. it was about 4 years ago when my bff was set to get married and my lovely back acne (b'acne) was flaring up and looking quite lovely as usual. and for her wedding we had these pretty jcrew dresses that had a lovely v-back cut that kindly exposed a good portion of my not-so-pretty b'acne. i had to do something. anything.
it was time to seek yet another way out of my acne problem. during my internet searches i recalled all the proactive infomercials i had seen on tv that advertised beautiful skin for real people. so good, even celebrities were using it. no better place to start than where a celebrity has found success, right? whatever. i decided to look in to it more. while researching proactive and it's results i found myself checking out a website that compared a handful of acne treatments to each other. proactive was one, exposed skincare was another and i cannot recall the rest, but there was something like the "top 5 acne treatments" listed. out of all of them, i liked what i saw in exposed skincare compared to the rest. so i went with it and ordered my first kit.
love. love. love this stuff. it worked fast and has not yet failed me in my years of using it. i will always have breakouts. that's just the way it's going to be. but my acne is more under control than ever. and i cannot complain about that. something is better than nothing.
if you have acne, you have to give this stuff a try.
i have other products that i want to blog about, but its the end of the day and i need to wrap this up. maybe i will continue tomorrow.
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