there is nothing more i hate than having to blow my nose a thousand times a day when i have a cold. and your average tissue will rip the sh*t out of the skin around your drippy nostrils when you are blowing it that many times a day. of course you have options now-a-days that will solve that problem. like kleenex with lotion and what-have-you. but i hate tissues with lotions and other substances in them. they all make my face break out, not to mention they make me feel like i just slathered my face with a tissue soaked in bacon grease - gross! doesn't matter what brand either - if it has something in it then it's not for me.
but kleenex ultra soft... ha! these bad boys are awesome. they wont rip up your drippy little nose, nor will they cause you to break out. they are as soft as a cloud in heaven and they feel tremendous once they touch your skin. i'm not kidding. when i first put one up to my face, i just about melted they felt so good. i just wanted to rub it all over my face for like 5 minutes. strange. i know. but i am not lying. give 'em a try.
i have personal issues with using lip glosses, chapstick and lip products... i need a lot of moisture. yes. me. all of me. my hair. my skin. my lips. they all need lots of moisture. i dry out easily. and occasionally i like a little glam-glam on me lippers. i like to feel pretty...
when it comes to my lips i have problems. i cannot just lube them up as i do my body... it's just not the same.
here are the problems i found with the options i had/have out there to deal with dry lips.
- chapsticks - you think it works great, but you have to apply it every 20 minutes. and if you don't apply it, you are left with terribly chapped and flaky lips. well. maybe that's just me. it makes my lips so much worse.
- your average lip gloss - does nothing for you except look pretty and shiny. no real moisturizing of the lips and most of them sort of leave my lips slightly more flaky when i am not using them regularly, similar to what chapsticks do to me.
- lipstick - i'm referring to the kinds that claim they moisturize. they leave a strange feeling/residue on your lips. not to mention if you don't reapply often enough, you look silly sporting the remnants of a lipstick. i don't need to look that pretty all day anyways... i like things that are lower maintenance. and. i still get the strange flaky thing going on with my lips. chapped and flaky lips are the worst!
the common denominating problem with most lip products for me is the flakiness. i don't know what really causes it. its different from chapped lips. chapped lips happen to me from too much sun exposure or cold exposure. the flaky thing happens when; after getting in to a regular routine of using a lip product, and if i happen to stop for a day or two, i get flaky lips. ugh.
so anyway, one day while perusing the cosmetic isle of our local grocery store i came across neutrogena's moisture shine lip glosses. i needed a gloss, and i like neutrogena's brand, so i bought one. can't hurt to give it a shot... i love it!! the product line offers a variety of colors and tints - most of which are just enough to add glam-glam to my look. and when they start to wear off you just look normal. no remnants or residues or need to reapply throughout the day if you don't want to. and the big winner winner chicken dinner deal breaker for me, they don't leave my lips flaky if i happen to not use it for a day or two.
buy it. try it. love it.
ahhhh ok. ok. no more products. i'm getting too chatty. though there was one more product i wanted to talk about... real quick. i'll give you a picture and product name at least.
this stuff totally works. just be sure you buy the bottle labeled as original, not the other whitening rinses that listerine offers. the others are bogus. trust me. i've tried them and they do not whiten. well. maybe they do. but they are no where near as good as the original.
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