these last 3, 4, 5, or however many weeks at work have been the deepest and darkest of all my boredom-holes. i hate to say how bored i am again and again. but seriously, its bad! i just tallied up my billable hours for last month. for all four weeks of july and it only came out to 18 hours.
so, what i am telling you is that out of the 160 hours i spent at work, in the office, i only had 18 billable hours. yes - 18. but let's not forget that i was out on vacation one of those weeks. so. real quick. if i do a little math; 18 hours divided by three weeks is an average of 6 hours a week. which means that if i would have actually worked all four weeks last month i maybe would have had 24 hours of billable time. maybe. still not a lot considering i am at work for 160.
truthfully, with all that free time i thought i would have had more blog posts. and ironically, even though i had a lot more down time in the month of july than june, i actually had less posts than june. that disappointed me. i know that in that first month i blogged multiple times a day. but now... i just can't. i don't know what to blog about. some days it seems my brain just shuts down.
here is a little something that made me laugh one day. my husband's mother clipped it out of a local publication for us. she thought it was funny and i am in agreement with her... with boredom at work in mind, i present to you... something funny.

i dare anyone reading this to try one of those lines at work some day. let me know how it works out for you.
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