apparently, yesterday i became one of the purest and holiest people you know. just ask grand pop krumenacker! i was baptized yesterday. i tell the truth... just look!
i didn't know if it was inappropriate to wipe the dripping water
from my eyes, so i swooshed my head once or twice...

here is my baptismal candle and certificate...
it was a nice day and a special day. not only because i was baptized, but also because so were my two nieces, alexa and adalyne. and to top it off, mike and i both became god parents as well...

you get certificates for everything these days. gotta have proof!
here is a group shot - the recently baptized jfk and nieces, the moms and dads, all the god parents and a spare great grand mom and grand mom...

i know some people might not look at yesterday as a special day. they might even view it as a big ol' sham or something totally ridiculous and ludicrous. but i certainly found it to be a special day, no matter what. so, don't poo-poo on my platter. thank you.
i was even fortunate enough to receive a couple baptism gifts...

love it.. good blog.. it WAS a special day!!!!