Monday, August 8, 2011

not since 6th grade

my best friend beth wears hoop earrings. like - present day - wears hoop earrings. i haven't worn hoop earrings since 6th grade. i'm not really sure why. i guess i didn't know that they were still "in". most of the time, if i see a girl wearing hoop earrings today, she is rocking a sort of ghetto-fabulous look and i don't consider myself to be ghetto-fabulous. i'm not being rude, racist or discriminatory. i am simply making an observational statement. if you happen to be ghetto-fabulous, rock on! it's just not who i am and that is no big deal. and if you are offended, then i suggest you working on not being so sensitive.

so, anyway, it must have been a month or two ago when i noticed beth wearing her hoops. they were a modest sized hoop and they looked good on her. really good. after i saw this, i wanted to wear hoop earrings and look "good", too. so. the other day while i was out shopping for some new clothes, i bought a pair of hoop earrings! i will post a pic soon.

i would say that my new hoops fit right in with my attempts at bettering my outward appearance. surely, it goes hand-in-hand with my new haircut(s) i've been getting lately... and all the wardrobe improvements i've tried to make over the past few years and all the other "life-style" changes i made regarding my overall eating and exercise habits.



  1. I personally enjoy medium sized hoops, but I can't imagine you in big earings. I can't wait to see the picture.- Shana

    P.S. Beth would have been the last person I thought would wear hoops.

  2. I am ghetto-fabulous and wear big hoops. As Josh loves to tease the bigger the hoop, the bigger the hoe...not true in my case of course...

  3. hoop-a-licious, sister! Congrats for making Hoops part of your accessory collection, seriously some days it's tough to accessorize & hoops are a great way to save the day. Would love to see the photo or you rockin' your hoop-dee-doos. I know, it's not how you'd spell that, but it does get the point across, right?
