anybody remember this cute little guy? i think he would understand what we are all going through right now...
seriously, it's chilly willy cold up in this office today. our two unfaithful temperature readouts today were at 71° and 64° this morning. no lie. we never really know which readout is more accurate. the only things we do know is that
a. when the temperature is 71° at home we don't shiver nearly as much as when it is 71° here in the office
b. wearing layers of clothes and a blanket only helps dull the frosty bite of the frigid temperatures here
c. we are just flat out freezing.
cold temperatures aside, i have some updates from the weekend. if any of you read my last blog post you might be wondering how my brutal run of the mcelroy mountain region in boyertown went. well, it didn't. here's what happened...
recently i have been in the midst of trying to gain a new client/job. said client was not pleased with his/her current designer that was working on the company's email newsletters and wanted to find someone else - someone with more talent and more reliability. so naturally, when this potential client approached me, i had to talk myself up and make myself look good. no lies were said! i'm allowed to talk myself up and make myself look good because i am good ;-) once i had the client, and the job, i continued to be pretty confident in myself and assured the client that things would go much smoother with me and that she would not be let down. but regardless of the client's trust in my confidence, there were other circumstances that i was going to be dealing with when i started actually working:
- i had never worked with this client before
- i had never worked with the program/website/tool that was being used to send out this client's email newsletters (constant contact)
- the time of the month for which these email newsletters need to go out was was fastly approaching as i waited for the content to come in (i had less than 3 days by the time it came in)
- i sort of, halfway insinuated that i would be able to have a speedy turnaround on the job in addition to having it done better than their other person
- truthfully, i had no idea how long this was actually going to take - but i had confidence on my side
and as my confidence will continue to lead me, i am certain that the next time around i will have it done even faster.
isn't Chilly Willy the one who said "Ahh Eee Achoo!"? or am I wrong??