Tuesday, November 27, 2012

post-baby brain?

during pregnancy, many women experience what is called baby brain. everything is all screwy up there and basically we begin to forget everything and just cannot function at our normal capacity.

well, now that i am past that stage and have had my sweet precious baby, i believe i am experiencing something new. something i would like to call post-baby brain. completely unrelated to the later, but equally as screwy...

the brain is a tricky thing

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


when my brother and i were kids, each year during the coming month till christmas, we would page through the toy section of the ginormous catalog that was, fingerhut. anyone else do this when they were kids?

that catalog was to us,  like the golden ticket was to charlie. we couldn't wait to get our hands on that catalog and mark off, circle or fold the pages that had what we wanted from santa on them. oh the joys...

it's been a while since i've thought about, paged through or even seen a fingerhut catalog. but then one day here at work; bang! i walked in to our kitchenette and on the table was thing bright orange thing. by golly, it said fingerhut on the front of it. 'no way,' i thought to myself. and though it wasn't nearly as thick and fat as what i last remembered, the big black print that read, fingerhut, was enough to bring back the little kid joy that i used to feel around this time of year back then.

ah, the memories...


wtf google+

do i need to upgrade to google+ in order to easily share my blog posts? because i don't want to. i don't want google+. 

i guess i'll just have to copy and paste to facebook now, or click to view my post then share it.

...................................... jfk ......................................

change changes everything

oh how i've missed you blog. i miss the days where i was bored and had random crap to blurb about...

here at work, things have changed. we are now down to 5 designers - we used to have 7. that mean's the workload has changed on any given day. i might be busy. i might not. who knows. but on the days where i am not busy, i just don't know what to blog about. not to mention, boss-man is probably lurking around a corner somewhere... that's a big hindrance on my blog productivity, you know?

but, i'm blogging today baby!

so, let's keep on the topic of change. something else that is changing here at work; boss-man's mind. he just might be losing it. like, for real. no joke. losing his mind. i can't even begin to give examples. there are so many to choose from each day. i will just leave it at this; we all have agreed he is beginning to show signs of dementia.

what changes does our future hold? we will eventually be down to only 4 designers. yep. from 5 to 4. one of our greatest assets is going to have a baby in april. as any fortunate mother to be, she will be taking her maternity leave (3 months time), but after that, who knows if she will return... yikes! and if she doesn't come back (likely she wont - that's my best educated guess) this ship will begin it's decent down. and as scared as i might be to see that happen, i'm sort of excited.

me getting ready 
titanic: kma style
