Friday, July 29, 2011

growing up

a couple of days ago i realized that i am only 10 years away from being.....................


now. i'm not scared of 40. i wasn't scared of 30, either... believe it or not, i was actually excited to hit 30. i guess i like to try to embrace things like that, rather than fear them. but if getting to 40 is anything like getting to 30, then i don't have much time. shoot - it's practically right around the corner!

it's ridiculous how time really does fly. i used to think my mom was out-of-her-mind crazy when she said crap like that. as a child/teenager, time was the slowest thing ever! but then i got out of high school and went to college. that's when things started to go a little faster. then i graduated college and time started to really pass by. fast. the next thing i knew... i was 30. in the blink of an eye i was 30... i am my own adult now and 40 is knocking on my door trying to sell me life insurance.

with that, i started to think about me as a kid. growing up and just being me, as a kid. good times and bad times. funny things i did and outrageous things i believed... let me share a few of memories with you.
  • i used to believe that i could levitate. i am not joking. i believed that i could actually rise and hover my own body up and off the ground. the trick was, i needed to be sitting indian style and had to concentrate very hard.
  • i used to beg to eat the leftover spaghetti o's of the other preschooler's who didn't finish theirs before nap time.
  • a preschool teacher of mine was concerned that i had colored a picture of a sheep purple. what other options are there when the paper is already the right color and the lady asks you to color it in with something? like hell i was going to grab a white crayon! how boring...
  • you know how kids pretend to be their parents; playing dress up and wearing their clothes and shoes and whatnot? of course you do. my brother and i did this on occasion. so, as uncool as it was... we used to "pretend" smoke cigarettes like our parents. we made our pretend cigarettes out of leaves from trees. one day i must have been mad at my brother for something, because i tricked him in to rolling up poison ivy leaves to use as his cigarette... how evil! needless to say, my mom wasn't happy with me. she immediately began to wash my brother off, in hopes that the poison hadn't soaked in too badly. but what she didn't know was that i too had been handling the poison ivy... i think i was picking the leaves to hand to my brother to roll up and get all over his face. i wasn't a smart kid i guess. i never got washed off that day. i hate calamine lotion.
  • i had a serious crush on speed racer. i wanted to marry him.
  • i pooped in a truck tire once - on purpose. there is a lot of explanation to this one... if you want to know more, you're going to have to ask me about it one day.
  • my brother left me hanging in a tree once. the only way down was for me to let go. it hurt.
  • when i was in elementary school, i didn't care that my report card was full of s's and n's.
    for satisfactory
    n for needs improvement
  • most fridays were pizza and movie night. remember west coast video?
  • as a family, we used to have tetris battles. when it wasn't my turn, i would dance around the room to the music that would play for the different levels.
  • i cried out of sheer happiness when my parents got me my first phone and phone number. i'm not talking about a cell phone either. i'm talking about your average land-line. it was awesome!
(sigh) i guess that's long gone. now i'm one of those adults... saying crap like, "boy, time goes by so fast..." and, "... when i was a kid..."



Thursday, July 28, 2011

the self-destructive, destructive dog

this is one my dogs, lucas... and that's hennessey in the background; my other dog.

lucas seems to have an ear problem and/or skin problem at the moment. first of all, the tips of both his ears have some sort of hair loss that i think might be caused by some sort of fungus/virus/strangeness. it never really seems to bother him much - what i mean by that is that i've never really seen him scratch at it. therefore i didn't, and still don't, feel the need to call the vet about it. besides, the vet has seen these spots before. it was a while ago the and they tested him for for what they thought might be demodectic mange. it came back negative and they sent me on my way. but now here we are present day and lucas has been scratching the living day lights out of his ears. so badly that he has open sores on the backs of his ears and near his temples. a friend of mine said it could be allergies - her boxer suffers from allergies and when i described the situation she said is sounded familiar - i'm willing to bet she is right and that it is allergies. plus, i vaguely recall hearing the vet throwing that term around at a visit once. anyway. i will figure that out soon. on with the post!

here is a picture of one of his open sores... be sure to click on the photo to see the full size image. you can really see it better that way.

the scratching started a week before we went on vacation. at that time, there was only one minor scratch area - no bloody open sores like we see today. by the time we got home from vacation he had 4-5 semi scabby, semi gooey sores. he was a mess! i did the best i could to clean him up - and our carpets, too! but i knew that wasn't going to be good enough. i was going to need more stuff. so i went out to petsmart and bought a serious ear cleaner solution (serious enough that it cost me $32 for a bottle!!!), an ointment to help soothe and protect the open sores and an inflatable protective collar - we call it the donut. here is lucas wearing the donut...

lucas was less than thrilled to be wearing this thing - just look at his face in that last picture. but i didn't care how sad and pathetic he looked, that donut was going to do its job. and it appeared that is was working. he couldn't reach his ears to scratch anymore and things started to heal. i felt good about all the money i blew at petsmart. i think i spent something like $90-$100 on this stuff... well. $20 of that was actually on a big bag of rawhide knots to help cheer him up ;-)

mike and i were skeptical on how long this donut thing would last before lucas destroyed it. the situation seemed to go well when we were around to supervise things on sunday. monday - unsupervised - they were still good. lucas and the donut were in tact. the same went for tuesday. then it all came to an end. on wednesday when mike got home, he found lucas all gay and happy, cheerily running around the house without the donut! it was laying in the dog bed - busted up and useless - destroyed by lucas, the destructive dog. you can see the donut and what used to be the loops where you put the actual collar through to keep the donut on and in place below...

grrrrrrr. i'm not sure what lucas was doing that caused this to happen. he could have been scratching furiously. although i saw no scratch marks on the blue material. he could have been rough housing with hennessey. maybe he was actually attempting to do just what you see above. who knows. unfortunately, i cannot return this to petsmart. maybe i could. but i don't want to try. i feel as if that would be like trying return a chew toy that got chewed on too much for my own liking... i did, however, write to the company that makes these inflatable protective collars... i played the "disappointed customer" card. i spent $36.99 on that donut! it's not too much to ask for it last longer than two days, is it? there have got to be other dogs out there that are just as destructive - if not worse - that lucas, right?

and that's the beat on the street when it comes to lucas, the self-destructive, destructive dog.

oh. real quick. before i end this post, i want to get in a couple of photos of super sweet hennessey. poor dog. she has been feeling neglected these last few days. mostly due to all the attention lucas is getting from me cleaning his ears and applying wound treatments. tuesday, she wanted attention so bad she actually sat through an ear cleaning of her own with zero resistance - she hates getting her ears cleaned! and yesterday, during one of lucas' ear cleanings, i witnessed her give lucas the stink eye. it was hilarious. i tried to capture it in a photo. just look...

hennessey is one of the best dogs anyone could ever have. she is smart, pretty and well behaved. she listens to what you say and does what you asks her to. she even watches baseball with her daddy. she snuggles like a champ and has no weird skin conditions... i could go on forever. she is my little princess dog...

look how precious


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

and now for the good in it

so, yesterday i wrote about why this year's beach vacation trip was my least favorite so far. but i think i should also go over some of the highlights of the trip to be fair... since i did still enjoy myself.

one of the highlights was waking up early in the morning and witnessing the sun rise over the ocean...
this was a double highlight. because, while many people would have to make a concerted effort to wake up early enough to witness the sun rise, i naturally am an early riser.

another highlight was running on the promenade early in the morning...
it's peaceful and refreshing with the morning breeze hitting your face as the sun is still coming up over the horizon.

another highlight was eating whatever i wanted, whenever i wanted and however much of it i wanted...
i love food on vacation. i ate shrimp, crab, lobster, sandwiches, chips, ice cream and candy as if none of it would ever end up on my hips or butt.

another highlight was going to bed no matter how early it was...
we never really do anything that involves being out all night when we go on this family vacation. usually by 8:30 we are winding down the day and getting sleepy and then we all go to bed guilt-free.

another highlight was walking on the beach while listening to pink floyd's wish you were here album...
with the music at just the right volume, i could still here the waves hitting the beach; crashing and rolling back out to sea... i recall this being one of my absolute favorite moments while on vacation. i felt gloriously blissful. my mind was free and clear of all the trivial concerns and unnecessary stresses that work and life present me on a daily basis. i could have walked for miles on end that morning. i wish for everyone to have at least one chance in their lives to feel as blissful as i did then.

and then there are the obvious highlights; like being at the beach in a house that was right on the beach with a wonderful view of the beach...


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

home sweet home

well. i was on vacation last week, and have since returned home and to work. everything seems to be just the same as when i left; frigid temperatures in the office and the amount of work coming in is slow-as-a-slug!

vacation was nice. mike and i went to sea isle city, nj with his family; grand parents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. in total there were 14 of us lounging in the beach house and on the beaches. we've been staying at the same place for several years now. it's a nice place that is just the right size and it's right off the beach. which makes it super convenient and easy to get to the only place you really want to be when you are at the beach - by the water! but i have to say, this year was my least favorite so far. mostly because, by about midweek, the central air started to give out. by late friday morning it was an oven in that place. i think most of us were slightly miserable.

i guess it was wednesday when the temperature had started to warm up inside the house. the mornings seemed to be fine, but by the afternoon hours it was most definitely creeping up there. that first night, wednesday night, it must have bee like 77 degrees or something. not so hot that we couldn't handle it. but it surely wasn't ideal. then thursday night it was like 85 degrees! that is when we all new something was wrong with the air. and then by friday it was 90 doggone degrees! unacceptable!!

no one in the upper hierarchy of the family did anything either. you know? the ones that should be doing something. well, that's not true. it is unfair of me to say that they did nothing. they did look for air filters. but after searching for and not finding any air filters, or whatnot, it was decided that there was nothing they could do... they simply decided to deal with the hottness. figuring that when when it was leaving time, they would inform the owners of the issue. i personally would have called the owners as soon as i realized something was not working. we paid good money to vacation there so why shouldn't we have working central air?

to make things worse, during the warming temperatures i was dealing with more than just my sweaty sticky skin. i had been fighting a headache for several days. by friday i had lost the battle and it was a rager. i actually teared up and almost cried while sitting on the beach just thinking about how bad it hurt. it was a big banging headache. so i decided to leave the beach that morning around 11:30 a.m. to go back to the house to:
  • try and cool off (what a joke)
  • take some tylenol
  • eat something and
  • lay down and try to sleep it off a bit
when i arrived back at the house it was warmer than i had wanted it to be. but then again, so were the past two days in the house. stupid central air. be it as it was - it was cooler than the beach. so i ate an early lunch and laid down. i slept till about 2:45 p.m. and was hot as a fresh cow pie when i woke up! cranky, i stumbled out of bedroom to see why i was so hot. hm... 89. that was the number that the thermostat was reading out. awesome! it was 89 degrees in the the house and it was only 2:45 in the afternoon. i tried a cold shower. nope. not working. head still banging. so i did the only thing i could do to cool off. i hopped in the vw touareg, started up the engine, jacked the air to low-as-low-gets, put the seat back and shut my eyes. i must have sat there for 30-45 minutes; just long enough to settle the banging of my head to a low dull drumming.

needless to say, we left early that evening to come home. rather than sweating it out one more night and staying till saturday morning, which was check-out day anyway. there was no way i was going to sleep there for another night.

it's nice to be home.


Friday, July 15, 2011

folly at the salon

as many of you may already know, i got my hair cut yesterday. i posted pictures on facebook. but i guess for the sake of my blog, i will post some here, as well.

the general consensus is that most people like it - a lot. now, that's a big win on my part since it is shorter than i anticipated. i've got to be careful; with my round face and all. certain hair styles are a no-go on this girl (thumbs pointed at myself). anyway - the folly wasn't the accidental shortness of my hair. it was something totally different... fyi - this is going to be a long blog. sorry.

those of you that know me, know that i never really did much with my hair. maybe once a year i would get a shape-up, a trim or layers. i barely ever brushed my hair either. i made sure that my hair was free of knots. usually by running my fingers through it. but i didn't really take a brush to it. i didn't need to. recently - within the last 8 months - i decided that i wanted to look more "put together". i'm grown up now. i should look that way, too. right? so, my first step in making this happen was to get an actual hair style. any "put together" woman you come across undoubtedly has a good hair style. or, at the very least, you know she is doing her hair every morning. so, me getting a hair style meant that i would have to do my hair every morning. thereby sparking my responsibility to look "put together".

i went to this salon near my home. it's called creative designs hair studio. i got my first real hair style since my first year of college. i was a walk-in. so, whoever had available time was the one that i had cut my hair. her name was emily. she did a fine job, and i left happy. a few months later, to keep up with my new "put togetherness", it was time to go back. emily wasn't available that day. which didn't matter much to me because the truth is i don't really care who cut it. usually, i just take whoever is available no matter where i go. so that day a lady by the name of lori cut my hair. i sat in her chair and told her was i was going for - different from the last time i had it cut. it wasn't that i didn't like the cut i got from emily. it's just that i wasn't sure if it was the style i wanted to stick with for the time being. anyway. lori did a great job and, once again, i left happy.

i've had my hair cut twice since that day. and both times it was by lori. she does a good job following the half-ass explanations of what it is i am going for in a hair cut. which is important when someone, like me, keeps switching up their hair style. so, i decided to stick with her.

yesterday i called to see if i could have lori cut my hair - begin folly - the only problem was, i didn't know lori's name was lori. i guess the last time she cut my hair, which was the one day that i actually called to make an appointment with her, i only knew to ask for "lori" because i had a business card in front of me with her name plastered across it. but now, which was yesterday, i didn't have the business card in front of me and i didn't know who to ask for. the only name i could think of was emily. doh - she hasn't cut my hair in quite some time. and typically it wouldn't matter who i saw when i got there, but i like how lori gets what i'm asking for. she always makes it work. but i haven't realized my folly just yet.

around 6 o'clock, i show up to the salon. the first person i see is lori; she greets me and asks what she can do for me. i respond that i'm there for a hair cut and that she's the one cutting it. somewhat bewildered, she asks me if i called earlier and i told her that i had... lori's response was, "that's funny. i didn't see your name in the book." and why would she have seen my name in the book as her next appointment? i moronically asked for emily.

she took me back to her chair, and after we started to chat i realized my folly! i gave the wrong name over the phone! i have the right person, but i definitely gave the wrong name. so, i told lori about the mix up and how i was definitely in the book but under emily's time slot. i felt stupid. jokingly, lori gave me a hard time and i apologized for being a moron. but that wasn't the end of it. while the realization of wrong names, missing appointments and apologies was taking place, emily was right next to us with a customer. i know she heard it all and i could see she was slightly jaded. i would be too, if one of my available time slots was taken up by someone that was now getting their hair cut by someone else instead. i felt like pile of turds for sure.

eventually lori finished my hair, which was a different style yet again, and we went to go square up my payment. and unfortunately, as everyone’s luck would have it, my unscheduled time with lori was cutting in to another customer’s time. that customer had been there for a little bit now, waiting for lori to finish up with me. so, lori asked emily, who was near by, to help finish up my receipt - wonderful. you could cut the tension between emily and i with a knife.

emily looked at me with a jaded face and, at some point, said, “i cut your hair last time.” she was almost whiny about it. what's worse - she was wrong. she wasn't the last person to cut my hair. i kindly let her know, that while she had indeed has cut my hair before, it was lori who had actually cut my hair the last few times. this girl in front of me - jaded - had only cut my hair once; it was the first time I had ever been in to the salon. that was many many months ago. eh. regardless, i apologized for the name and appointment mix up. she continued to mumble about it some more. i am not even sure what she said, but she quickly cut herself off saying, “no. i shouldn't say that... it’s not fair...” that's exactly right! you shouldn’t be saying anything to me that would make me - the customer who has already apologized - feel like shit!

my mistake was an honest one and my apology was sincere. needless to say, i was confused, bothered and still quite sorry about everything as i walked out of the salon. i will forever remember to request lori when i make my appointments.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

potluck post

some random things...

random thing #1
i recently found myself reading yet another article on rape/prostitution... it started to jog some other thoughts and recollections about other articles i've read or documentaries i've seen in the past... they all focused on some sick sexual activity that shouldn't be happening. i felt sick to my stomach. there are only a few things that make me sick - literally, not figuratively, sick - to my stomach. they are:
  • child molestation & rape. especially when it happens by one's own family member.
  • animal cruelty. mostly when it's intentional towards the animal and not just neglect... not that neglect is any more excusable. it just doesn't make me, for real, sick to my stomach.
  • human trafficking
why are these things in existence. ugh. it really does make me sick.

random thing #2
my dad - he is a good man. but also a troubled man. i recall twice in my life wanting to just let him go. i didn't know how to deal with him or cope with the heartache anymore. i guess i am getting better at it... when i think about it, i could never abandon him or cut him off or let him go. he's my father and i love him. not just because he is my father, and that is what daughters do; love their fathers. i love him because, inside, he is a generous and kind-hearted person who deserves to be loved. at times, it's hard to love him. but i do - always and forever.

recently, while thinking about my father and those times that i wanted to just let go, i realized something; when you love someone, you always try to see the good in them. no matter what (i posted that in my i believe post). and even more recently, i realized something more about those you love. you never abandon them - even when they are at their worst and you feel there is no place for you in their lives. no matter how hard it gets. the fact is, you still love them and therefore should not abandon them. simply step back and remove yourself from the situation - not their lives - and let it run its course. you can still be there for them. even when stepping back. don't worry. if they need you, they will come to you. if that happens, you show them love. but that's the trick - they need to come to you. because if they don't, there truly is nothing you can do. so, just step back and be there, ready to love them if/when they return.

random thing #3
i have baby fever. i'm 30 and recently married. so are many of my friends and peers - 30'ish and married. coincidentally, many of them are also popping out kids, or have been for some years now. it's crazy for me to see that a girl i graduated with already has 2, 3 or even 4 kids with another on the way. i used to swear that i never wanted kids. i guess i've changed my mind, because now i have "baby fever". i can't get enough of hearing about everyone elses baby happenings. i eat it up. who's having what and when and all the in-between stuff. although, there is still one thing that i don't eat up when it comes to all the baby fuss; the dreaded baby shower. they are still lame and boring.

random thing#4
the other day i decided i wanted to start wearing toe rings. it's debatable whether or not i really like toe rings, but they aren't that bad, so i decided to go for it. you see, i have horrible looking toes. they are long and knobby, and just plain beat to hell. the more things i can do to better their appearance, the better. i also have taken a liking to getting an occasional pedicure for the very same reason - to better their appearance. it's all smoke & mirrors, really. they still look horrible when it comes down to it. but maybe - just maybe - people will see the toe ring(s) and fun nail color first and be distracted, thereby not seeing the horror of my actual toes.


Monday, July 11, 2011

big things happening

some big things have happened lately that i have not yet blogged about. one of these happenings was on wednesday of last week. i haven't blogged about it yet because i was trying to wait for pictures of the day's events. unfortunately, i don't know when they will be surfacing. so, i am just going to forgo the pictures and write a little bit about it for now. perhaps, i will post pictures later...

**side note - i managed to find a few pictures online to help out with my post today**

so. on wednesday of last week, my ever-so-wonderful mother got remarried! isn't that fabulous?! of course it is. congratulations to her and her husband steve. well... apparently you are not supposed to congratulate the bride - so says my grandmother. but whatever. congratulations to them both. it was a lovely day, with lovely weather and lovely people. it took place on this amazing little island in the chesapeak bay area; with its own natural wildlife, lush greenery and a velvety sandy beach complete with the relaxing sounds of gently cresting waves. honestly - we should all be jealous that we didn't get married here. it was so serene and seemed like it came straight out of the movies. my mother, of all people, surely deserved this beautiful day... she really did.

we drove out to this secluded area where harford county swan harbor farm and the maryland agricultural education foundation is. once there, we walked down to the water where there is this beautiful gazebo. and a little bit further, there is also a dock. when we looked out over the water, we could see three little islands off in the distance. one of which was the one my mother was getting married on.

this is the harford county swan harbor farm house. a lot of weddings actually happen right on this property. it's gorgeous.

now, just keep in mind that this photo does not illustrate the same time of day that we were there, but this is what the walk from the swan harbor farm house to the gazebo and dock looks like.

this is the dock where we set out from. you can sort of see one of the islands in the right-hand portion of the picture. i think it might actually be the island we boated to.

but geographically, it's definitely one of these islands circled in red.

you know, if i had pictures, i might actually be able to show you what we actually experienced that day. unfortunately, i'm 100% dependent on my mother's husband's friend, hutch, and a few others for them. reason being is i, in all my absent minded glory, left the house that morning without my own camera. though that should be understandable, don't you think? given all the things i had on my mind that morning; my mother getting remarried, my brother being in town from atlanta ga, making sure he and i got up and ready nice and early to get to havre de grace, md, calling out sick from work and being sure we packed up the home made egg rolls that my brother and i made the night before... so, naturally, i forgot the camera. whatever. i guess once i realized my folly, i quickly shrugged it off, too. mostly because i knew someone else would have one there. all i would have to do later is track down those certain someones' pictures. oof! i know you are all shaking your head at me. please stop!

we boated out there in two trips; one trip with two full boats and the other trip with only one full boat. the first boats went out and seemed to take forever. those of us back on land were beginning to get concerned... we thought something might be wrong. but eventually our concerns were put to rest when we saw that one of the boats was returning for us. those of us that were left piled on the boat and headed out to the island. when we got there, we could see what had taken them so long...there was actually a tent with chairs that had been set up and tied down. that tent was clutch since the sun was out and beaming down on us all. we also had coolers with icey cold refreshments. champagne being one of those refreshments. you've got to have champagne; for a toast of celebration!

the tide was high. leaving only a small space for the minister and happy couple to exchange their vows. but it was all that they needed - just enough for love to happen. isn't that all we really need in life; just enough to be happy? i feel it is. so anyway, the ceremony got underway and and we toasted their celebration, everyone hugged, some of us waded through the warm cresting waves... i think there was even a few sightings of a bald eagle flying overhead. oh. it was lovely. it really was.

after the ceremony was over, we broke down the tent and chairs and loaded up the boats to head back to shore. most of us then grabbed a bite to eat at the tidewater grille - but i don't want to get in to that fiasco. it was sort of chaotic and would require quite a bit of words to describe. but i will say this, the food was good and we all certainly enjoyed ourselves... didn't we, grand-mom? ;-)


Thursday, July 7, 2011

a letter to a seemingly bad mother

dear casey anthony,

for humanity's sake, i really hope you are not guilty of your precious daughter's death, seeing how you are going free on all charges except the one about giving false information. the world is in shock. i don't, nor does the entire world that followed your case in the news, really know what happened. i guess you are the only one that would know.

do you have any idea how many people are disgusted that you are free? it is crazy! if i were you, i would be scared of being seen in public. it seems that the majority of the population would say that you are guilty. not me though. i am not really sure what i believe. i've seen some of the news clips and read a few online articles. and even through all the bad things you've done and all the lies you've spoken, i still can't say for sure if you are guilty. neither could the jury that you were up against... i do know this though; you are not a good mother and, seem to be borderline, a pathological liar. but since it couldn't be proved without a doubt that you did it, you go free. good gig for you, huh?

i pray that you didn't do it. and i pray for only one reason; that justice was served properly to you. but if you did indeed kill your daughter... man, oh man, i hope you get what you deserve. and i hope you get it sooner than later.

good luck to you with the rest of your life.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

quit your crying

if it's the law, then follow it. it really is that easy. there are many laws out there - so very many that it might be hard to keep track. to list a few:
  • don't drink and drive
  • don't litter
  • don't kill people
  • don't steal
we all know that there are many more out there. i just wanted to give you a few as a little reminder. and because i read a little article this morning. follow this link if you want to read it; the irony found in this tragic article is intense. if you read the article, it is about a man who died after being thrown over the handlebars of his motorcycle while not wearing a helmet. do you want to know what he was doing that day? he was riding in protest to a law that requires all people wear a helmet while riding motorcycles. in the article it states that had he been wearing a helmet he may have survived. you see the irony? yeah. you do.

a lot of laws can be annoying. i know. like, wearing seat belts or not talking on cell phones while driving... even keeping your speed under a certain limit can be annoying. but trust me - and the law makers - there is a good reason for having them in place. these laws are in order to protect our safety and well-being. case and point, the article i read this morning. that man could have lived. just wear your damn helmet! it's the law.

my husband's father is a motorcycle rider - has been for many years - and he wore his helmet without really crying about it. although, when pennsylvania repealed its helmet law, i'm pretty sure he and many of his biker friends were pretty darn excited. maybe even relieved that they no longer had to wear those things. i can't even begin to imagine the rush of exhilaration and the sense of freedom that riding a motorcycle without a helmet must give someone. but i'm sure that my husband's father and his friends can, and i am sure they all got to experience it. though, i don't think it was long before my husband's father had decided to resume riding with his helmet on... accidents happened and people were injured on levels varying from minor to critical... he's one of the few that have elected to continue to wear a helmet. i support his decision to do so - a lot. he is a real man. a responsible one at that. go him!

it's a little known saying among the motorcyclists in my husband's family. it's not if you have ever had an accident, it's when... and it's true. whether it is a minor accident - if that is even possible - leaving you with some small flesh wounds. or be it something major, like wrecking into a tree or losing control on a highway at higher speeds, only to find yourself in the icu at reading hospital... it is bound to happen to even to the most cautious and responsible motorcycle rider. so, please wear a helmet and quit your crying! it's for your own good. seriously.


Friday, July 1, 2011

a morning quickie

im so bored, that:
  • my brain is shutting down
  • i'm becoming unmotivated - borderline, lazy
  • i can't think of anything to write about
  • i would almost rather be jobless - almost
  • i feel useless
  • i also feel worthless
  • i'm hungry
  • i'm concerned about this company
i'm starting to feel bad about how bored i am and there really is nothing i can do about it. it's definitely out of my control at some point.
