Tuesday, January 8, 2013

giveaway alert

attention blog readers! 
i will be doing a giveaway in the next couple of weeks. it's going to be for really neat scrapbooking software.

how fun is that?! this is something new for me - doing a giveaway. it's giving me and you, as my readers, a great chance to win a neat-o piece of software - for free. no sweat off anyone's back!

stay tuned to my blog and facebook page to see when it starts. sit tight till then and when it starts, be sure to enter it!


Monday, January 7, 2013

i'll cut you...

i was paging through a parents magazine and stumbled across an article (below)...

now, i know about the whole happiest baby on the block craze. but to say that colic is a myth is wack!

mike and i found ourselves in a tough spot, three weeks in to our new lives as parents. lillian just screamed and cried for hours, days, weeks. she just cried. i was petrified of the moments she would wake from her sleeps, because i knew it meant she would cry. a lot. mike and i talked to many people, friends and doctors about it. we tried a lot of stuff.

car rides 
• white noises 
• rocking 
• swinging 
• nursing more 
• gripe water 
• probiotics 

including the whole 5 s's thing from the happiest baby on the block. yeah. we tried that method. desperately, we tried that method. shit didn't work. at least not the way we needed it to. not the way it promised it would/could... hell... nothing worked. we tried everything everyone recommended. you name it and we tried it.

the only thing that came close to soothing our wailing baby was when i held her close and bounced on an exercise ball. god bless that exercise ball! i spent many hours during the day, night and wee early morning on that thing... bouncing up and down, left and right. just bouncing. bouncing. bouncing.

now, i understand that many new parents wrongly say their child has colic when they truly are just a "fussy" baby. it's hard to make the adjustment as a new parent into the world of soothing an upset baby. but, if you tell me colic is a myth and doesn't exist i will cut you! it flipping exists... 

and if you don't think it does then i'll show you the 5 s's...
slice [your tires]
slap [you in the face]
slit [your throat]
shoot [you] and
shove [what's left of you in a dark hole where no one will find your remains]

anywho... as i was working through my pile of magazines that i subscribe to but never get around to reading, i got to the next issue of parents. this is what i read (below) in the section where readers write in about the previous issue's content. apparently i wasn't the only one shaking my head over the mythical colic article. just more proof that colic is real.

conversely, if you keep reading you'll see that the next person that wrote in merely had a "fussy" baby and wanted to send  her thanks for the article... she only had a fussy baby though which makes for a good match for the 5 s's method. good for her.

in summary
i don't know everything but i do know this much, babies shouldn't cry all day for no real reason without being able to be soothed. and not all crying babies are colicky, but to say it doesn't exist is wack!
