Monday, December 31, 2012

magazine love

i love magazines. i occasionally buy them off the shelf here and there and keep them around the house to flip through. it's nice. when i'm feeling frisky, i might actually subscribe to one. that shiz delivered right to my door. 

problem is, this is what happens... a huge pile of unread magazines, still in the plastic. oops!

seems i can't get around to reading them fast enough. or at all. last night i spent some time on the couch quickly paging through this pile. well, not the whole pile. but i got through about half. then i went to my friend's house to drink wine.


i'm smarter than bj's and similac

(picture this)

i'm at bj's in the baby isle because i need formula. i see the similac sensitive that i always buy, but it looks different... they're giving away a free bottle with each container of their formula. that's cool - but i don't need any more bottles cluttering up my cabinets. so i look down the isle a little bit further and see the usual container i always buy, sans bottle.

i figured i would just get that since i don't need the free bottle. but as i am making my way over to get the formula i notice something more - the formula with the free bottle is $30.99. "what's the big deal," you ask? the formula without the bottle is $31.99. it's a dollar more with no bottle.

now that just plain ol' doesn't make sense. but what did make sense was for me to go for the better deal... so i went for the cheaper priced formula with the free bottle that i don't need.

whatever. i win and someone, somewhere loses.


an irrational dislike

that product pictured above has to be one of the single worst product ideas ever, in my opinion. bleh!

i pretty much hate cool whip. and i pretty much hate whipped icings. so basically, when you make one (whipped icing) out of the other (cool whip), you get a lot of hating from me.

this is me radiating my hateful disgust {{{{ >:-| }}}}}

i also loathe mousse of any kind; chocolate, strawberry, mocha chocha whatever you flavor it from (insert vomit sound).

it comes down to the irrational side of me that just doesn't like the whipitty dipitty, ultra smooth, glide-over-your-tongue-into-your-esophagus texture of these things. **side note: for the life of me, i couldn't figure out how to spell esophagus. i had to type some retarded misspelling of it into google so that google could ask me if i meant esophagus** 

though, i like ready whip. a lot actually. but it's a totally different kind of whipped product. it has more air in it. you know? sort of gives it a not-so-smooth whipped-ness that is much more acceptable in my books.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

convenience at its finest

Blogging from my bed. On my phone.


I'm excited that has an app. Yup.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

a pet peeve of mine

learn to snip it, cut it, tear it... whatever! just do it, please. i'm tired of seeing this.

this applies to men and women and many different types of jackets/blazers/coats. if you didn't know; now you know.



real quick...

i didn't wash my hair today. i didn't have time. no time for a shower means no washing the hair. don't worry though. i brushed my teeth and washed my face. it's the least i could do. but between me needing to wake up and get ready (my usual daily routine) and lill waking up at 5:20, wanting to eat, being cranky, wanting to be held, wanting to eat again, wanting to get at the christmas tree and then magically wanting to pass the eff out right before we had to leave for daycare and work... i just didn't have time.

go figure...

then i got to wondering... did i even wash my hair yesterday? i mean; i took a shower and all. but i'm pretty sure i skipped the hair part b/c i was semi-strapped for time, as usual.

