Friday, July 6, 2012

the bathroom stall creeper

i wanted to write a post today about something that annoys me. so, before i started to write my post i decided to set out to find an image that illustrates my annoyance. much to my surprise, i found someone else' blog post about the very thing that i was about to blog about.

if you want, you can just read the first few paragraphs of this person's entry:

if you don't want to read their post, for whatever reason, don't worry. i still intend on making a quick post about what i wanted to blog about. here goes:

it bothers me when i walk in to a public restroom where there are about, oh, a thousand empty stalls of which i will likely choose one on the end, and then someone else walks in and somehow decides to choose the stall directly next to the one i am in.

i yanked the image above from this site:

"seriously?! out of all the empty stalls around me you chose that one? fuck off! at least go one more over. what? do you want to smell my bits and pieces? should i let you sit on my lap??"


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reference to my blog... as you have read, yes, this bugs the "crap" (pun intended) out of me, too!
