Friday, June 10, 2011

tick tock tick tock

time goes by really slow when you have nothing to fill it with. it's sad, but that is how it can be sometimes. "it" being work in this instance. around here, it is either insanely busy or the exact opposite... no middle ground really. well. sometimes there is a middle ground. it's just not often that we experience it. anyways...

some things on my mind right now:

1. people seem to like my blog. just a small handful of friends, but that's all i need. i even have my first official follower! thanks linz ;-) i felt so special when i found out that little tid-bit.

2. i was breaking the news of my newly created blog to my friend shana while we were working out at the gym, on our least favorite machine, and although we call it an "elliptical" it is not actually that. there is another name for it that i cannot recall. my husband calls them gazelles. funny. so yeah. shana asked, "will you be posting rap songs?" you see, i am in the habit of writing some pretty rap-tastic rap songs, and my fans always want more - by "fans" i mean shana mostly. my response to her eager question was, "no." this just isn't the proper forum for me to post my raps. this whole blog thing is sort of a spur of the moment, fly by the seat of my pants type of posting situation, and my rap songs take more dedicated time to write... but then i started to rethink my answer... what if, one day i spit out a quickie rap song while at work during my down time? just exactly why couldn't i post it here. so sure, i will post my raps. why not, right? people will enjoy it.

3. i really hold a lot of disdain for this lady (j.b.) at work. she is a two-faced, lying troll of a tattle tail.

just some thoughts. now. if 5 o'clock could just get here faster...


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