Wednesday, June 15, 2011

what's all the fuss about

i want to just list some things that bother me.
  • white text on black backgrounds on screen. let me be clear, i am not talking about a few white words on black, i am talking about text heavy instances - to be specific about what spurred this bother, blogs with white text on black backgrounds. if you have a blog and it is white text on a black background, it bothers me. i'm just saying. trying to read it makes my eyes crossed and my brain hurt. and it takes a good minute for my eyes to regain their normality. like i said - text heavy white text on black is the issue. a few words, like a header image or a logo or what-not is fine.


    i follow two blogs like this and i so badly want to read them - they are good blogs - but i cannot finish many of the posts because my eyes are jiggling around in my sockets and going all crossed. so, it bothers me. and let's also remember that this is just my opinion. i am sure there are people of which this does not bother.
  • when people interrupt conversations. if it is not an emergency, wait for an appropriate time to say what you need to say or interject.
  • when people need to be the center of attention. so much so that they a. interrupt conversations b. find ways to turn that all conversations about themselves (especially after they've just interrupted c. try to find ways to make their opinion, your opinion... and the list goes on!
  • similar to that last two, the "one upper".
  • when people are too lazy to return their shopping cart to an appropriate place - not a grassy knoll or a curb or just right there, behind their vehicle and then pull away as if they did nothing wrong.
  • hypocrites - in general.
  • when people just cannot seem to chew with their mouth shut. seriously. why is it so hard for you?!?
  • when people don't say "excuse me" after they burp or fart or do something that is just gross/borderline rude. i burp and fart. yes. i do. and every time i say, "excuse me." even if it's more of a funny thing/situation and everyone laughs... i still say it!
  • when people just linger around - not saying anything or doing anything - just lingering. if you have nothing to do or say, keep moving along.
  • when people drive below the speed limit.
  • people that talk to loud on the phone. i don't really need to know your business. i also do not need to know that the repair guy that comcast sent over had a foreign accent. so much so that you deemed him incompetent at speaking the english language and even doing his job. i didn't need to know all that. thanks. talk a little quieter when you are at work in an open office environment.
  • when people wear horribly stained clothes to their "professional" job.
  • when people expose their midriff at work. especially when it is huge.
  • when people can't follow directions. even the simplest ones.
  • when people litter. i thought that was a thing of the past.
ok. that's enough for now. i'm all bothered out.


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